Rotary Protocol and Decorum

Rotary Protocol and Decorum

Every Rotary Club has to organize a number of functions and meetings. There is a certain protocol to be observed to organize dignitaries, to show them love love and respect of the organization. A proper observance of protocol enhances the prestige of the concerned club and also brings decorum. A few hints on protocol are:

  1. Any Rotary meeting hosted by a club, and / or a regular meeting of the club should be presided over by the President of the club. The meeting should be called to order by the President and not by the Master of Ceremonies.
  2. Any Rotary meeting hosted by the District or District Committee will be presided over by the District Governor. Governor will call the meeting to order.
  3. The protocol to be observed in order of precedence of greetings is District Governor, Past District Governors (seniority wise), District Governor Elect, District Governor Nominee, District Officers, President, Past President, President Elect, and Secretary and so on.
  4. The General Rule is that current position takes precedence over past position, past position takes precedence over future position, accompanying spouses will have the same ranking.
  5. Once protocol is observed in a meeting initially, the subsequent speakers need not repeat the protocol. This will help save time and avoid possible foul-up of protocol.
  6. If the Mayor or the First Citizen of the town is present in a meeting, he should be invited to the dais and should be recognized first.
  7. In any Rotary meeting if the Governor is present as the Chief Guest, he should speak last. After the speech of the Governor, there should be no further speeches. The only item after his speech should be acknowledgments and vote of thanks.
  8. During the official visit of the Governor to the Club, there should be no other Chief Guest, Governor being the only one.
  9. All Rotary club meetings, except training or normative sessions should be concluded as far as possible, within one hour. Care should be taken to ensure that that standard and values of Rotary are not diluted or compromised at meetings.
  10. The functions of Master of ceremony,if at all necessary, should be limited only announce the item of the agenda to be followed. He / she is not expected to make comments on the speeches or assure anything on behalf of the club, which should only be the prerogative of the Presiding Officer.